初級 すぐに使える基本英語フレーズ [Primary Communication Expressions] (日本語訳あり) 18
初級 海外生活の必須表現 [Daily English Conversations] 10
初級/準中級/中級 フレーズから学ぶ日常表現1~3 [Real Life English 1-3] 43/40/36
準中級~中級 英語で感情表現 [English Common Expressions & Phrases] 40

フレーズから学ぶ日常表現 1~3 [Real Life English 1-3]

対象:3レベル対応 (初級-43ユニット/準中級-40ユニット/中級-36ユニット)



  • 会話から英文法と自然なフレーズを身につけたい方
Level 1 (初級) タイトル 学習ポイント
Lesson 1 Hello. How are you? 始めの挨拶
Lesson 2 Goodbye. See you! 終わりの挨拶
Lesson 3 Saying names 名前を伝えるときのフレーズ
Lesson 4 Personal information 個人情報を伝える
Lesson 5 How about you? 相手に意見や反応を求める
Lesson 6 Location 場所を伝える
Lesson 7 What’s in your bag? 不定冠詞「a」「an」の使い分け方
Lesson 8 Personal items 自分の持ち物を伝える (This is ~. / It’s ~. / These are~.)
Lesson 9 Classroom objects 場所を尋ねる (Where is~? Where are~?)
Lesson 10 Asking for help in class 単語やスペルを尋ねる表現、Can I~?/Can you~?の使い方
Lesson 11 Favorite celebrities 1 主格 (I/He) と所有格 (my/his) の使い方
Lesson 12 Favorite celebrities 2 所有格を使った疑問文(5W1H+Be動詞現在形)
Lesson 13 People we know Be動詞を使った疑問文
Lesson 14 Family 家族を紹介する
Lesson 15 Showing interest 興味を示す(Really?)/相手に意見を述べる (What’s she like?)
Lesson 16 In the morning 毎日の習慣を伝える(一般動詞現在形の肯定文・否定文)
Lesson 17 Routines 毎日の習慣を伝える(一般動詞現在形の疑問文)
Lesson 18 More than yes or no YesやNo以外で答える (Well….)
Lesson 19 Habits 習慣を伝える
Lesson 20 TV shows 頻度(副詞)を表現する
Lesson 21 Do you go straight home 「つまり私が言いたいのは・・」 (I mean…)
Lesson 22 My neighborhood 「~がある・ない」 (There is~. There are~.)
Lesson 23 What time? 時刻のたずね方・答え方
Lesson 24 It’s a great place to live 肯定・否定の同意フレーズ Me too / Me neither
Lesson 25 Away for the weekend Present continuous statements
Lesson 26 Sports and exercise Present continuous questions
Lesson 27 How’s it going?
Lesson 28 Clothes Like to, want to, need to, have to
Lesson 29 Things to buy Questions with How much…
Lesson 30 Can I help you?
Lesson 31 Sightseeing Can and can’t
Lesson 32 Countries Can for ability
Lesson 33 They’re a kind of candy
Lesson 34 A night at home 1 Simple past statements – regular verbs
Lesson 35 A night at home 2 Simple past yes-no questions and short answers
Lesson 36 I’m exhausted!
Lesson 37 My first… Simple past of be
Lesson 38 Vacations Simple past information questions
Lesson 39 How was your weekend?
Lesson 40 Eating habits Countable and uncountable nouns
Lesson 41 What’s for dinner? (1) Would like
Lesson 42 What’s for dinner? (2) Some and Any
Lesson 43 Let’s take a break for lunch.
Level 2 (中級) タイトル 学習ポイント
Lesson 1 What’s your name? 5W1Hを使った現在形の疑問文(一般動詞とBe動詞)
Lesson 2 I can too TooとEitherを使った答え方
Lesson 3 Actually 「実は~」「実際に〜、本当に〜」「意外と~」「やっぱり~」(副詞)
Lesson 4 I can sing I like to do / I like doing  動詞の後ろに入る to+動詞の原形と -ing
be good at / be interested in 「be動詞+形容詞+前置詞」
Lesson 5 Everybody likes music 目的代名詞 (me, you, her, him, us, them, it)/EverybodyとNobodyの使い方
Lesson 6 I really like it 副詞のReally と 副詞句の Not Really
Lesson 7 I walk every day 単純現在形と現在進行形
Lesson 8 When I have a cold joining clauses with 時 (When)・条件(If)を表す副詞節/体調不良を伝える
Lesson 9 Oh my Gosh 「驚き」のフレーズ/頻度を表す表現
Lesson 10 I’m going to buy be going to + 動詞の原形 (未来表現)
Lesson 11 I’m having lunch 未来を表す現在進行形
Lesson 12 I’m not sure 曖昧な回答  
Lesson 13 Where were you born? 単純過去形の復習/be動詞過去形(was/were)+ bornの使い方
Lesson 14 From 1986 to 1992 「時間」を表す前置詞
Lesson 15 All of my friends 限定詞 (all, most, a lot of, some, a fewなどの数量詞)
Lesson 16 I mean… 意見を強調、間違いを訂正、情報を補足する答え方 
Lesson 17 Are there any stores near here? 「~がある」 There is~, There are~.
Lesson 18 Can I help you? 要求・提案表現 (Can I~? / Can you~? / Could you~?)
Lesson 19 They cost how much 問い返し疑問文
Lesson 20 I need to go shopping to不定詞の副詞的用法 「目的」(〜するために)
Lesson 21 It’s easy to do It’s + 形容詞 + 不定詞
Lesson 22 You should take a sweater 助言と提案 Should~, Could~, Why don’t you~?
Lesson 23 That’s a great idea 提案に対する答え方
Lesson 24 Whose bag is this? 所有代名詞 (mine, yours, hers, his, ours, theirs) / Whose の使い方
Lesson 25 A big round table 形容詞の順序
Lesson 26 I like the red one 代名詞 One と Ones
Lesson 27 No, not at all! 丁寧な要求と応じ方 Do you mind if~?, Would you mind ~ing?
Lesson 28 I was doing the laundry 単純過去形と過去進行形
Lesson 29 What were you doing? 過去進行形の疑問文
Lesson 30 I bet you felt bad 再帰代名詞 (myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves)
Lesson 31 I bet you felt bad 「きっと~に違いない」 I bet~.
Lesson 32 Real cards are better than e-cards 比較級形容詞
Lesson 33 She talks more than he does 比較級 More, Less, Fewer
Lesson 34 Just a minute 電話対応/Justの使い方
Lesson 35 How tall is she? 人物を描写する
Lesson 36 She’s the one with long hair 動詞と前置詞を使ったフレーズ 
Lesson 37 Do you mean…? 「~ということですか?」 相手の意見を確認する
Lesson 38 It might rain 助動詞 Will, May, Mightの使い方
Lesson 39 If I get good grades 接続詞 If・When, After・Before
Lesson 40 I won’t forget 提案 (Could you~?)&意志 (will)
Level 3 (上級) タイトル 学習ポイント
Lesson 1 He plays well Manner Adverbs vs. Adjectives
Lesson 2 She’s absolutely wonderful Adverbs before adjectives and adverbs
Lesson 3 He’s always studying Always and At least
Lesson 4 I’ve been to Europe Present perfect statements
Lesson 5 Have you ever… Present perfect vs simple past questions and answers
Lesson 6 Are you? Me too! Response questions
Lesson 7 What’s the best country to visit? Superlatives
Lesson 8 How high is Mount Everest? Questions with How plus adjectives
Lesson 9 I had the best time! Superlatives for emphasis
Lesson 10 They make me practice everyday Causative
Lesson 11 I used to go to the movies on Saturdays Used to and Would
Lesson 12 I definitely agree. Giving suggestions and Agreeing
Lesson 13 We have a few slices of cheese Quantifiers
Lesson 14 I ate too much too, too much, too many and enough
Lesson 15 Whatever you prefer Letting others decide and polite refusal
Lesson 16 I’ll be back Friday will, going to, present continuous and simple present
Lesson 17 You’d better do something quickly What’s advisable, necessary and preferable
Lesson 18 I’d better go Friendly goodbyes
Lesson 19 A friend who I trust Relative clauses
Lesson 20 We got along well Phrasal verbs
Lesson 21 Maybe he’s shy Softening comments
Lesson 22 I wish I didn’t live so far Wish and If
Lesson 23 What would you do? Asking about imaginary situations and events
Lesson 24 If I were you…. Giving advice
Lesson 25 Do you know what the problem is? Indirect questions
Lesson 26 How does this work? Separable phrasal verbs
Lesson 27 I know what you mean, but… Giving a different opinion
Lesson 28 I haven’t seen you in ages! Present perfect continuous vs present perfect
Lesson 29 Have you seen it yet? already, still, yet with present perfect
Lesson 30 I was wondering if I could … Asking for a favor politely
Lesson 31 She must be a genius Speculating with Modal verbs
Lesson 32 I was totally shocked Adjectives ending in -ed and -ing
Lesson 33 Well, you see… Showing you understand someone
Lesson 34 Diamonds were stolen! The Simple past passive
Lesson 35 The mall was badly damaged The simple past passive with by
Lesson 36 Guess what? Telling someone about news