【基礎英会話コース 1~3】

準初級 基礎英会話コース 1 (日本語訳あり) [Basic English Course 1] 15
初級~準中級 基礎英会話コース 2 [Basic English Course 2] 52
中級 基礎英会話コース 3 [Basic English Course 3] 29

基礎英会話コース 2 [Basic English Course 2]

対象:初級~準中級 (計52ユニット)

<基礎英会話コース 2>では、インプットとアウトプットを入れて自分の意見を言えるようにします。(4パートに分けて学習します。)

Part 1: 絵を見ながら、質問に対して答えます。
Part 2: 2名の会話を読んでフレーズや語彙を学習します。
Part 3: 表現を学習します。
Part 4: ロールプレイで、学習した表現を使って自分の意見を言う練習をします。

  • 日常生活で必要な表現を身につけたい方
  • 中学3年レベルの文法を復習したい方
ユニット名 タイトル 学習内容
Unit 1 Starting A New Job Expressions and Questions we could use to start a small talk
Unit 2 Leaving Friends And Family Gestures and expressions we could use when saying goodbye
Unit 3 Asking About One’s Occupation Expressions we could use when asking personal question about one’s occupation
Unit 4 Asking About One’s Income Expressions we could use when asking about one’s income
Unit 5 Asking About One’s Age Expressions we could use when asking about one’s age
Unit 6 Meeting A Host Family Expressions we could use in giving and answering compliments
Unit 7 Losing A Little Luggage Expressions we could use to express surprise and amazement
Unit 8 Expressing Fear and Worry Expressions we could use when we are worried or scared
Unit 9 Expressing Reassurance Expressions we could use to reassure someone
Unit 10 Asking About Health Expressions we could use for talking about health
Unit 11 Asking About Activities Expressions we could use to ask about activities
Unit 12 Expressing Interest In An Activity Expressions we could use to express interest in an activity
Unit 13 Expressing No Interest In An Activity Expressions we could use to express no interest in an activity
Unit 14 Expressing Possibility and Impossibility Expressions we could use for expressing possibilities and impossibilities
Unit 15 Expressing Certainty and Uncertainty Expressions we could use to express certainty and uncertainty
Unit 16 Expressing Ability Expressions we could use for expressing abilities
Unit 17 Expressing Inability Expressions we could use for expressing inabilities
Unit 18 Mild Negative Reaction Expressions we could use to express mild negative reactions
Unit 19 Strong Negative Reaction Expressions we could use to express strong negative reaction
Unit 20 Expressing Anger and Annoyance Expressions we could use to express anger, annoyance and stress
Unit 21 Asking About Thoughts and Feelings Expressions for sorrow, regret and sympathy
Unit 22 Describing And Making Comparisons Expressions we could use for describing and comparing
Unit 23 Reporting What Other People Say Expressions we could use for reporting speech
Unit 24 Making Generalizations Expressions we could use for making generalization
Unit 25 Responding to Good and Bad Fortune Expressions we could use in responding to good and bad forture
Unit 26 Expressing Gratitude Expressions we could use for expressing and responding to gratitude
Unit 27 Making Invitation Expressions we could use when inviting someone for a cup of coffee
Unit 28 Expressing Permission Expressions we could use when asking permission
Unit 29 Accepting And Denying Permission Expressions we could use when accepting and denying permission
Unit 30 Having A Traffic Accident Expressions we could use when admitting or denying something
Unit 31 Asking For Help Expressions we could use when asking help
Unit 32 Offering Help Expressions we could use when offering help
Unit 33 Arriving In A New City Expressions we could use when asking for and giving advice
Unit 34 Assuring Satisfaction Expressions we could use when assuring satisfaction
Unit 35 Expressing Satisfaction And Dissatisfaction Expressions we could use when expressing satisfaction and dissatisfaction
Unit 36 Choosing A Day’s Activities Expressions we could use when asking about and giving preferences
Unit 37 Asking And Giving Approval Expressions we could use when asking for and giving approval
Unit 38 Showing Disapproval Expressions we could use when showing disapproval
Unit 39 Reacting To Misbehavior Expressions we could use when reprimanding a bad behavior
Unit 40 Forgetting Expressions we could use when you have forgotten something
Unit 41 Remembering Expressions we could use when you remember something
Unit 42 Obligation Expressions we could use when expressing obligation
Unit 43 Unit 17 Necessity Expressions we could use when you express necessity
Unit 44 Getting A Bad Grade Expressions we could use when you express indifference
Unit 45 Expressing Hope And Giving Hope Expressions we could use when you express and give hope
Unit 46 Expressing Despair Expressions we could use when you express despair
Unit 47 Sharing Family Problem Expressions we could use when you express care and concern
Unit 48 Planning A Trip to Disneyland Expressions we could use when you urge someone to do something
Unit 49 Making A Mistake In Public Expressions we could use when you express prohibited action
Unit 50 Going Back To Work Expressions we could use when expressing warning
Unit 51 Encouraging Others Expressions we could use when you encourage someone
Unit 52 Discouraging Others Expressions we could use when you discourage someone