
準初級~初級 わかりやすい英文法 [Grammar 101] 40

わかりやすい英文法 [Grammar 101]



  • 英文法を「英語で」身につけたい方
ユニット番号 学習内容
Unit 1 This is / These are 限定詞 (指示形容詞 This / These)
Unit 2 Subject and Object Pronouns 主格と目的格 (I/me, he/him, they/themなど)
Unit 3 Singular and Plural Nouns 単数・複数名詞
Unit 4 Proper Nouns 固有名詞
Unit 5 A / An and The; One Ones a/an (不定冠詞), the (定冠詞), one/ones (代名詞)
Unit 6 Present of be: Statements Be動詞の使い方
Unit 7 That is / Those are 限定詞 (指示形容詞 That / Those)
Unit 8 Possessive Adjectives 所有格 (my, your, his, herなど)
Unit 9 Present of Be, Yes/No Questions Be動詞(現在形)を使った答え方
Unit 10 Present Be Who What and Where Who, What, Where + Be動詞現在形の疑問文
Unit 11 Prepositions of Place 場所を表す前置詞 [in, on, at, next to, between and across from]
Unit 12 Imperatives 命令形
Unit 13 Simple Present: Statements 単純現在形 (肯定文・否定文・疑問文)の作り方
Unit 14 Simple Present: Yes / No Questions 単純現在形 の答え方 (Yes/No)
Unit 15 Simple Present: Wh – Questions 5W1H+単純現在形の疑問文
Unit 16 Simple Present: Be and Have Be動詞と一般動詞Have
Unit 17 Simple Present with Adverbs of Frequency 頻度を表す副詞 
Unit 18 Present Progressive: Statements 現在進行形 (肯定文・否定文)
Unit 19 Present Progressive: Yes / No Questions 現在進行形 (疑問文とYes/Noを使った答え方)
Unit 20 Present Progressive: Wh-Questions 5W1H+現在進行形の疑問文
Unit 21 This That These Those This That These Those
Unit 22 Count and Non-Count Nouns: Some and Any SomeとAny
Unit 23 Can and Can’t Can と Can’t
Unit 24 Simple Past: Regular Verbs (Statements) 単純過去形 (規則動詞の作り方)
Unit 25 Simple Past: Regular and Irregular Verbs 単純過去形 (規則動詞と不規則動詞の肯定文・否定文)
Unit 26 Past of Be: Statements, Yes / No Questions Be動詞の過去形 (肯定文・否定文)
Unit 27 Simple Past: Yes / No Questions 単純過去形 (疑問文とYes/Noを使った答え方)
Unit 28 Past of Be: Wh – Questions 5W1H+Be動詞過去形の疑問文
Unit 29 Simple Past: Wh-Questions 5W1H+単純過去形の疑問文 Who called? / What happened?
Unit 30 How much / How many: Quantity Expressions How many/muchを使った疑問形と答え方
Unit 31 Noun and Adjective Modifiers 名詞と形容詞の修飾語句
Unit 32 Comparative Adjectives 比較級形容詞
Unit 33 Future with Be going to: Statements 未来表現 (be going to)の肯定文・否定文
Unit 34 Future with Be going to: Questions 未来表現 (be going to) 疑問文
Unit 35 Future with will and going to 未来表現 (Willとbe going to) 疑問文
Unit 36 May or Might for Possibility 助動詞 MayとMight