
初級/中級/上級 ビジネス英会話 [Business English] 各20
準中級以上 ビジネスで使える電話英会話 9

ビジネス英会話 [Business English]

対象:初級/中級/上級 (各20ユニット)


初級- 20ユニット
中級- 20ユニット
上級- 20ユニット

  • ビジネスシーンに必要な実践力を身につけたい方
  • 海外の取引先との交渉など、ビジネスに必須なフレーズや語彙を学びたい方


ユニット番号 タイトル
Unit 1 Greetings 「挨拶」
Unit 2 Introducing Yourself 「自己紹介」
Unit 3 Talk About Yourself 「自分について話す」
Unit 4 Introducing People 「人を紹介する」
Unit 5 Gestures 「ジェスチャー」
Unit 6 Jobs and Duties 「仕事と職務」
Unit 7 My Company 「私の会社」
Unit 8 In the Office 「オフィスで」
Unit 9 On the Phone 「電話で」
Unit 10 Meetings 「会議」
Unit 11 Days of the Week 「曜日」
Unit 12 Clock Times 「時間」
Unit 13 Schedules 「スケジュール」
Unit 14 Deadlines 「締め切り」
Unit 15 Offers 「提案」
Unit 16 Places and Directions 「場所と行き方」 
Unit 17 Shopping 「ショッピング」
Unit 18 Invitations 「招待状」
Unit 19 Making Appointments 「予約」
Unit 20 Socializing 「社交活動」


ユニット番号 タイトル
Communication Skills UNIT 1 Introducing yourself and your company
UNIT 2 Making a business phone call
UNIT 3 Making small talk with colleagues and clients
Meeting Management UNIT 4 Scheduling a meeting
UNIT 5 Discussing a project with a team
UNIT 6 Presenting ideas and proposals
UNIT 7 How to lead a meeting
UNIT 8 How to give an update
UNIT 9 Collaborating with colleagues from different departments
Sales and Marketing UNIT 10 Negotiating prices and terms
UNIT 11 Conducting a market research
Customer Service UNIT 12 Dealing with a difficult customer or client
Business Operation UNIT 13 Planning a product launch
UNIT 14 Negotiating a contract or agreement with a business partner
Employee Management UNIT 15 Giving and receiving feedback
UNIT 16 Training new employees or team members
Presentations and Public Speaking UNIT 17 Giving a presentation at a conference or trade show
UNIT 18 Presenting a proposal to a potential investor or client
Conflict Resolution and Mediation UNIT 19 Resolving conflicts in the workplace
Travel and Event Planning UNIT 20 Organizing a company conference


ユニット番号 タイトル
Communication Skills UNIT 1 How to write a report
UNIT 2 Writing business emails
UNIT 3 Participating in a conference call
Meeting Management UNIT 4 Managing a Project
UNIT 5 Collaborating with remote team members
UNIT 6 Managing remote teams or employees effectively
UNIT 7 Delegating tasks and responsibilities to team members
Sales and Marketing UNIT 8 Making a persuasive argument for a business decision
UNIT 9 Making a recommendation for a new business strategy or plan
Customer Service UNIT 10 Responding to a negative review or feedback from a customer
UNIT 11 Handling a complaint from an employee or team member
Business Operations UNIT 12 Discussing financial reports and budgeting
UNIT 13 Managing a crisis situation in the workplace
Employee Management UNIT 14 Giving a performance evaluation or appraisal to an employee
UNIT 15 Conducting a team building exercise or activity
Presentations and Public Speaking UNIT 16 Pitching a new product or service to a target market
UNIT 17 How to make a speech
UNIT 18 Facilitating a brainstorming session with colleagues
Conflict Resolution and Mediation UNIT 19 Mediating a conflict between two team members
Travel and Event Planning UNIT 20 Making travel arrangements